First Time Entry (All documents must be presented for admission)
- Students entering Kindergarten
- Students entering Pasco County Public Schools from public or private schools out of state or out of country
Required Documentation
Evidence of residence:
____ Owned residence – deed or property tax assessment records, and a copy of a current utility (electric/water) bill or initial order for service; and one of the following current documents supporting stated address: auto registration, Florida driver’s license, Florida ID card, or voter registration as evidence that parent(s) owns and lives at the residence.
____ Leased Residence – Current lease or rental agreement or a notarized letter from the landlord, and a copy of a current utility (electric/water) bill or initial order for service; and one of the following current documents supporting stated address: auto registration, driver’s license, Florida ID card, or voter registration as evidence that parent(s) lives at the residence.
____ Birth certificate (original required for copying) or other evidence of age. Please see section 1003.21, Florida Statutes, for a complete list of acceptable documents
____ Physical (dated and signed by a health professional within one (1) year of enrollment (first day of school).
____ Current DH 680 State of Florida Immunization Form that is transcribed by a health professional. (See Immunization/Physical Requirements for school entry)
____ Social Security number, if available (verify number with card; do not copy card). The district shall request each student enrolling in school provide his or her social security number as required by section 1008.386, Florida Statutes. Parent disclosure of their child’s Social Security number is voluntary.
If applicable:
____ Legal documents i.e., a copy of any current judgment of divorce (dissolution of marriage)
or other court order establishing the right of custody will be required for registration.
Note: Please see the Student Progression Plan for information regarding Kindergarten/First Year Primary Legal Requirements for enrollment.