Registration of Students from Florida School

Students Previously Enrolled Within the State of Florida

  • Students Previously Enrolled in Pasco County Public Schools
  • Students Previously Enrolled in Public School Within the State of Florida
  • Students Previously Enrolled in Private School Within the State of Florida

Required Documentation

Evidence of residence:

____ Owned residence – deed or property tax assessment records, and a copy of a current utility (electric/water) bill or initial order for service; and one of the following current documents supporting stated address: auto registration, Florida driver’s license, Florida ID card, or voter registration as evidence that parent(s) owns and lives at the residence.

____ Leased residence – Current lease or rental agreement or a notarized letter from the landlord, and a copy of a current utility (electric/water) bill or initial order for service; and one of the following current documents supporting stated address: auto registration, driver’s license, Florida ID card, or voter registration as evidence that parent(s) lives at the residence.


____ Current DH 680 State of Florida Immunization Form that is transcribed by a health professional. (See Immunization/Physical requirements for school entry)

_____ If a student has ever been in a Florida public or private school at any time throughout his/her school career, a new physical examination is NOT required for entry.

If applicable:

____ Legal documents i.e., a copy of any current judgment of divorce (dissolution of marriage)

or other court order establishing the right of custody will be required for registration.

Note: Please see the Student Progression Plan for information regarding Kindergarten/First Year Primary Legal Requirements for enrollment.

Homeless Students

Authorized under Federal law through the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act, the Students In Transition (S.I.T.) Program provides services to ensure identified homeless children and youth have access to a free and appropriate public education by removing barriers due to homelessness. Additional information can be found at Students in Transisiton Program website.

Affidavit of Residency

All students must reside with at least one parent or legal guardian. Proof of guardianship is a photocopy of the court order appointing guardianship. Under extenuating circumstances, a notarized Affidavit of Residence may be accepted if proof of residence can be validated.  For additional information regarding this option, please visit your school of residence.

Legal Notices

Additional information concerning parental/legal notices can be accessed at the district’s Parent and Legal Notices website.  We welcome parents and students to familiarize themselves with this information to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment for students.